Our Clients

Our clients include some if the biggest names in the food industry. But big or small, they’re all important to us.

Whether we’re helping a client utilize excess steam to generate lower-cost energy, designing and installing 60-foot storage silos to house bulk materials to save labor and material costs, or putting in new piping, we do everything we can to meet the needs of our clients.

The following are just some of the clients Brighton Engineering has had in the privilege of serving over the years:

Land O’ Lakes

Anheuser-Busch, Inc.

Dawn Foods

Nestle Food Company

Western Bagel

Caruel Ice Cream

DSD Communications

See’s Candy

The Cheesecake Factory

Sara Lee

Just Desserts

Sugar Foods Corporation

Two Chefs on a Roll

Discovery Foods Corporation

Jessie Lord Bakery

Soboba Casino


Laguna Bakery

International Rectifier

Lovin Ovens

Bloomfield Bakery